Kunshan Organic Chemical Factory Co., Ltd. (KOC), established in 1976, is one of the earliest producers dedicating to solvent dyes in China. It was merged with Kunshan Yuanyuan Plastic Pigments Co., Ltd. (KYY, founded in 1992) in 1999, who is a reputed colorants producer and distributor in China, by which the merged company is regarded as one of the biggest manufacturers and distributors of solvent dyes in China. In year 2009, the company moved production facilities from Kunshan to Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, by which, production capacity was enlarged dramatically. In year 2018, the company started the construction of the oversea production facility in Myanmar, and it was put into use in 2019 successfully.
Presently, the company has four facilities in China, headquarter in Kunshan City, Jiangsu province, some 30km away to Shanghai, one sales branch located in Guangzhou City, Guangdong province, domestic production facility in Jiujiang, Jiangxi province, and oversea production facility in Myanmar.
As a pioneer of plastics coloring in China, the company kept going forward by exploring new colors for customers from foundation. With some 40 years efforts, the company aims to provide customer-oriented solutions from his full range colorants with brilliant lightness, strong tinting strength, good light fastness and excellent heat resistance as well.
Year 1976 KOC established
Year 1976 Developed solvent green 5
Year 1981 Developed solvent red 25, solvent red 24, solvent red 23
Year 1982 Developed Vat red 41
Year 1984 Developed solvent yellow 98, solvent orange 63
Year 1986 Developed solvent green 3, solvent violet 13
Year 1992 KYY established
Year 1993 Developed solvent yellow 93, solvent blue 35, solvent blue 36
Year 1994 Developed solvent red 135, solvent red 179, solvent orange 60
Year 1995 Developed solvent yellow 33, solvent red 196, solvent red 197, solvent yellow 145
Year 1999 KOC merged with KYY
Year 2002 Set up Guangzhou branch
Year 2007 Developed Methyl cyclopentadiene dimer
Year 2009 Move Kunshan production facility to new plant in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province
Year 2010 New plant in Jiangxi started production.
Year 2018 Start the construction of the new oversea plant in Myanmar.
Year 2019 New oversea plant in Myanmar started production.
Established in 1976, is one of the earliest producers dedicating to solvent dyes in China.
Mobile version
Head Quarter /?No.338 Honghu Rd, Kunshan, Jiangsu, China, 215333
Domestic sales dept.
Tel: +86-512-57553443, 57554561, 36628288
Fax: +86-512-57559074, 57558668
E-mail: info@yysolvnetdyes.com
International Marketing Department
Tel: +86-512-57559101, 57559102 Fax: +86-512-57556948
E-mail: lakerhyc@vip.163.com
URL: www.liuyinxiang168.com
Guangzhou Branch /?No.79 Xincuntou St, Donghua Village, Xintang Town, Zengchen District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong, China
Tel: +86-20-26228315 Fax: +86-20-26228315
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